UGGGGHHH! I really wish the pool water wasn't so cold! I wake up in the middle of the night sweating! What's up with that?! Of course in a few weeks I will be complaining about how cold I But still, I am really ready for fall! I left a message on for any crocheters in the Altoona area, maybe we can start a club of some sorts. That would be really nice, met once or twice a week and crochet, talk about anything and everything. I keep looking online and in the paper for some kind of group that actually gets together but have come up with nothing. Who knows...maybe I can get something started.
Everyone has been doing fine here, JJ is going to school...and that's about all I ahve to say right now about that...oh my. Cade is doing well, still not talking or crawling or walking...he has an appointment on the 23rd for some kind of braces for his little legs. Still no stander, I have given up on that place! I am just going to ask this new doctor about it. I looked at the paper that approved the stander, it was approved to be used from September 05 to December 05, which is only 4 months, and then you have to go all through the process again. We had the perscription in April they denied it, then it went through again(coded different), and then in June it was approved, then the guy said he had to order the stander....and we have heard nothing! Easter Seals has been great, they keep calling, but it hasn't come in.
Sometimes I sit and wonder if he'll ever be able to walk. At the rate those people move, he'll be 6. I know he'll walk, but he is going to be so far behind. Sucks! That's just how I feel right now. to bed!