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This is what I am working on now, an afghan for my Grandmother. She will be 85 in August. She likes to cover up when she watches Lifetime movies, and she always takes the afghan I made for my Mom. So..I am using her two fave colors and making her one of her own. I have a bit more done then what's in the picture. I am only working on it during Big Brother. I like to sit and watch the live feeds, well...sit and listen to the live feeds while I crochet!
YAY! BB7 All-Stars has begun! I am soooo happy that there is something to watch now! How awsome was it that Jase and Janelle put Alli and Dani up!! The look at their faces was classic! We subscribed to the live feed, so there goes any sleep I was going to be! I am all about Kaysar, I hope he can get his game on soon, he looks so bored. And that Will...uggghhhhh...I want him gone and he can take Boogie with him! Just my thougths on that! I started my Grandmother's afghan, and it's coming along nicely. And on that note...I'm off .
This is a close up of the "blue devil's" tail that was cross stitched on to the afghan. I played with the idea of adding a pitch fork, but I think it would make the center to much of a focus point.
Well, it's done! Finally...I finished it late last night(1:30am).I am very happy with the way it turned out, it's very heavy.
It's just a little shy of queen size. I have it laying on our bed, it's the only place big enough to take a picture, and I still didn't get it all in!