5 Days to Go!
There are only 5 days of summer vaca left! Gee, where did this summer go?! I started working on a Penguins afghan for next summer's Community Picnic...have 2 rows done...go me! Not much happening right now..kids are playing, hubby and dog a sleeping..what shall I get in to today?
Finished Blue Devil Afghan
It is complete! And turned over to the Bellwood Community Board, so they can display it and hopefully sell some tickets! I am going to work on some baby blankets and butterflies, and then figure out what to make for next years picnic. Maybe a Steelers blanket or the Penguins, they are pretty popular.
Border Started on Blue Devil Afghan

I have the border done on one side and started the other, then I will go across the top and bottom. Should be a pretty nice size for keeping warm during a game! I have not worked on it yet this week, I have been busy everyday. And it didn't help that my awesome Hubby bought me the Lips game for the 360! We were up late last night playing and unlocking achievements, after we bought 14 new songs to sing...lol!
Easter 2009
Easter morning, JJ tried to wake me up at 7:15. I told him it was way to early, go back to bed...you don't believe in the Easter Bunny anyway. He did go back to bed, for 40 minutes. We don't do candy, so it's like a mini version of their birthday. JJ is into Star Wars and the Clone Wars and for some dumb reason I bought him a automatic nerf machine gun. Cade is all about toys that light up and play music-still. He got a bear that will replace the dog that sang and lite up. And of course the bubble blower, so mommy doesn't pass out from blowing bubbles.
Blue Devil Afghan
It's almost done! YAY! I got the graph part finished last night, and started the border today. I still have a ton of ends to weave in on the back. I'm not real sure I like the eyes, but that's how it was worked out on the graph...may have to try something...don't know. The border is going to be awhile yet, doing the basketweave all around. It will be done in time for the Bellwood Community Picnic- July 17th.

Helmet Liners and Slippers
Now I'm working on Helmet Liners and Slippers for our Troops. I went shopping Saturday with Mom and we ran into one of the craft stores where wool yarn was on sale. I grabbed enough yarn to make three liners, and too much yarn to make the slippers! I was thinking I would need 2 skeins of yarn for one pair of slippers....wrong! Only need one skein for one pair...oh well, can never have to much yarn! The liners should be done in the dark plain colors, black, tan, brown and grey. And the slippers will be done is fun colors! I have one liner and one pair of slippers done, and one slipper on the next pair done. I am helping another Lady at the Ville, her Godson is in a unit of 100, and he said it is very cold over there, and they need helmet liners. If you want to read about it go here... http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showthread.php?t=94114 .
Plastic Bag Holders

I made this Plastic Bag Holder for one of the Ladies at the Ville. She works at an assisted living facility and is placing the bags in the rooms. I made another one, but forgot to snap a pic before I boxed it up. I found the pattern online, just did a search and a few popped up, picked an easy one and worked them up in no time.
Santa Porch Sitter
Happy New Year
Wow! I have really let my bloggin' go! It's been ages since I have posted, mostly because I have been busy. I had a really nice Christmas this year, even though Hubby had to work :0(
My New Years Resolution this year- Be kinder, lose 20 lbs., and get all the crafts done that I had started and never finished! And I am going to get a jump on gifts for next year!! WooHoo!
I already have two items done and I will post pictures soon. I made Porch Sitters out of plastic canvas...one is a Snowman and the other is the Old Time Santa. Hubby needs to cut the wood to support the backs and then they are complete. I also want to make afghans for my two sister-in-laws. Picture afghans of their wedding, or I may do a picture of their kids. Another crocheter did one of her grandparents, and it looks just like a picture.
My New Years Resolution this year- Be kinder, lose 20 lbs., and get all the crafts done that I had started and never finished! And I am going to get a jump on gifts for next year!! WooHoo!
I already have two items done and I will post pictures soon. I made Porch Sitters out of plastic canvas...one is a Snowman and the other is the Old Time Santa. Hubby needs to cut the wood to support the backs and then they are complete. I also want to make afghans for my two sister-in-laws. Picture afghans of their wedding, or I may do a picture of their kids. Another crocheter did one of her grandparents, and it looks just like a picture.
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