
Penn State Gragh Afghan

My Penn State graph- gahn, and I haven't touched it in weeks! I have been busy, and got bored with it. So, I took a break...I am almost done with the Halloween sweatshirt and I will pick it back up. Plus, it's getting cold in the evenings and it's not as hot working with it. I would love love love to get this done and start the Bellwood Blue Devil for summer. And maybe, if I feel really motivated, make a hockey one for a certain nephew. We shall see what happens!


InvisiBILLYtee@gmail.com said...

My Aunt is desperately trying to find a pattern to make this and I'm trying to help her out by looking online. Since I have no idea what exactly i'm looking for is there a way you could E-mail me something that could help her on how to make this? Jhenry04@leeu.edu


Unknown said...

I am trying to make a Penn State Afghan too. Would you be able to send me the pattern as to how you made yours? Thank you! My email is meg_dowling07@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

Is there any way I too could get this pattern emailed to me at williamsheridan_usmc@yahoo.com I have been looking forever for something like this