Afghan Done!
The Choo-Choo
Count Down to Christmas!

I made this wreath for my next door neighbor.
I have a few more projects to get done before the big day, but I am not to far from being done. My mother-in-laws afghan is almost done, I am going to add ten rows from what the pattern calls for. It just doesn't seem long enough. I will post it as soon as it's finished.
Hooded Sweatshirt

I finished little Sidnie's sweatshirt a few nights ago, it worked up real fast and was easy. Pretty good for my first article of clothing, I am thinking of making something else...or maybe another one of these. I have noticed a few kids walking in to school wearing things that look crocheted, and seeing so much on tv...it makes ya want to make more!
It is getting late, actually it IS late, so I am off to bed....busy day tomorrow!!
Could it be anymore MUGGY?!!
UGGGGHHH! I really wish the pool water wasn't so cold! I wake up in the middle of the night sweating! What's up with that?! Of course in a few weeks I will be complaining about how cold I am...lol. But still, I am really ready for fall! I left a message on Meetup.com for any crocheters in the Altoona area, maybe we can start a club of some sorts. That would be really nice, met once or twice a week and crochet, talk about anything and everything. I keep looking online and in the paper for some kind of group that actually gets together but have come up with nothing. Who knows...maybe I can get something started.
Everyone has been doing fine here, JJ is going to school...and that's about all I ahve to say right now about that...oh my. Cade is doing well, still not talking or crawling or walking...he has an appointment on the 23rd for some kind of braces for his little legs. Still no stander, I have given up on that place! I am just going to ask this new doctor about it. I looked at the paper that approved the stander, it was approved to be used from September 05 to December 05, which is only 4 months, and then you have to go all through the process again. We had the perscription in Feb...in April they denied it, then it went through again(coded different), and then in June it was approved, then the guy said he had to order the stander....and we have heard nothing! Easter Seals has been great, they keep calling, but it hasn't come in.
Sometimes I sit and wonder if he'll ever be able to walk. At the rate those people move, he'll be 6. I know he'll walk, but he is going to be so far behind. Sucks! That's just how I feel right now.
Well...off to bed!
Everyone has been doing fine here, JJ is going to school...and that's about all I ahve to say right now about that...oh my. Cade is doing well, still not talking or crawling or walking...he has an appointment on the 23rd for some kind of braces for his little legs. Still no stander, I have given up on that place! I am just going to ask this new doctor about it. I looked at the paper that approved the stander, it was approved to be used from September 05 to December 05, which is only 4 months, and then you have to go all through the process again. We had the perscription in Feb...in April they denied it, then it went through again(coded different), and then in June it was approved, then the guy said he had to order the stander....and we have heard nothing! Easter Seals has been great, they keep calling, but it hasn't come in.
Sometimes I sit and wonder if he'll ever be able to walk. At the rate those people move, he'll be 6. I know he'll walk, but he is going to be so far behind. Sucks! That's just how I feel right now.
Well...off to bed!

The kids started back to school today! Although it is nice, I found myself alittle bored. But I will adjust!
I have been watching the news around the clock, and praying for all those people who now have nothing. And I am getting alittle angry with our goverment(gee..imagine that..me mad at the govermant). I can't believe that they can't even drop water and food off to all the people stuck on the bridges and streets, it doesn't make any sence at all. All we can do is pray, and pray. Alot of us can't afford to send money(not with the price of gas going up with every passing minute!).
I'm sure things will improve, with time.
The above picture is one of those fleece blankets that were very popular last year. I finally tried one, and it was easy. This one is My Little Pony, it's for my neighbor's little one(Alex) for Christmas. I am going to make one for each of them. I have been looking for Kim Possible fleece, but have had no luck so far.
Well..I need to figure out what we are going to have for dinner tonight, and maybe make a cake or something.
Granny sqaure swap 

This is the finished afghan from the Yarn Lover's
Swap, Blue Sky #42. I would like to have another
row, but I don't want to have to make more squares. I
had 4 left from swappers, and will use them for a pillow.
I don't think I will be doing another swap very soon, there
is alot of time wrapped up in that sort of thing. But it was
fun to get all the mail and meet new people!

This is the finished afghan from the Yarn Lover's
Swap, Blue Sky #42. I would like to have another
row, but I don't want to have to make more squares. I
had 4 left from swappers, and will use them for a pillow.
I don't think I will be doing another swap very soon, there
is alot of time wrapped up in that sort of thing. But it was
fun to get all the mail and meet new people!
Will it rain?!
We had a great time this weekend! The kids really had fun at the park, they were running around picking what rides they wanted to get on. Caden even got on the Merry-Go-Round, he didn't seem to mind it. He gave a big yell once it stopped. We walked over to see if the little train was running, but of course it wasn't. He would have loved that, as well as his cousin Parker. And the fireworks were nice, yes...we stayed for them. I think my Mom had a good time too, she loves the kids. She has made 6 ceramic items for the Community Picnic, they sell tickets and have a drawing to win prizes that people have donanted. There were some really nice items, a few quilted quilts, and some crocheted ponchos and afghans, and a really nice picket bench(which I really wanted to win, but didn't :o( ). I think I am going to make at least two afghans for next year, I am planning on making them the school colors since everyone in the town are BIG high school football fans. I have been looking for a new pattern, just haven't found one I like yet.
I am going to spend the day cleaning around the house, JJ is at John's playing, and Caden is playing in his exersaucer. I can get some stuff down. Don't think we will be swimming today, cloudy out.
I am going to spend the day cleaning around the house, JJ is at John's playing, and Caden is playing in his exersaucer. I can get some stuff down. Don't think we will be swimming today, cloudy out.

WOW! It's been a long time since I last posted, haven't really been busy...just enjoying the summer. We have had alot of nice days, and swimming has become our life! I have been letting my house work go as well...guess it's a good thing it is going to be raining this weekend!
I have been thinking about Christmas presents, and what to make or get for family and friends. And I got side tracked while looking for new patterns, and came across a few posts about the Pine Ridge Reservation(www.spirit-rising.org) . I am going to sponsor a child, it doesn't seem all that hard to do, and it won't be expensive either. I already went through some of Caden's old clothes, and will be sending them as well as some crocheted things I have made.
I did take a few evenings and made 2 squares for Dman's( www.dmanhero.com ) comfortghan. Since he likes his trians, I made a little design and whipped that up quick.
Tomorrow afternoon we will all be going to Delgrosso's Park(http://www.delgrossos.com/dap.html ) for Bellwood Community Night, they are having a chicken dinner, and then fireworks....and I guess we are going to stay for them.
I want to make sure we get a few nights at Lakemont Park( http://www.lakemontparkfun.com/) for the Wing Off, missed the last two years. I love chicken wings!
Nothing New
No new projects done, I haven't been working on the things that need to be done! It's been so nice we have been swimming everyday. I will work on the granny afghan today since it is supposed to rain today and tomorrow. But the weather man has been wrong before!
Hey! Only 8 more days till BB6! WooooHooooo!
Hey! Only 8 more days till BB6! WooooHooooo!
New Nephew Is Here!

YAY! My new nephew is here, he decided to come a tad bit early. His due date was July 23rd, I guess he had had enough of being inside his mommy! He is doing good, they are keeping an eye on his lungs, but every thing else is great. He's 5 lbs, some odd ounces, and 18 1/2 inches long, and cute as a button. His name is Tanner William...can't wait to hold him!
Summer is HERE!!!
WooHooooo! Summer is here! There weather has been great so far! I haven't been posting everyday because I have actually been falling asleep in my chair in the evenings! Swimming all afternoon will do that. But this is also a bad thing, my projects are suffering :o(
I did finish the baby blankets I had been working on(will post a picture). Now, I am going to work on the afghan I had started back in Feb. This one will stay here with us!
I did finish the baby blankets I had been working on(will post a picture). Now, I am going to work on the afghan I had started back in Feb. This one will stay here with us!
Today was an uneventful one, my biggest thrill was waiting for the furnance guy to come and do a spring maintance on the central air! He didn't come till 2pm...and I felt bad..he got stung by a bee cleaning out the air conditioner. Then he cut his knuckles pulling his hand out while he was being stung. I think he stepped in dog do too, some one did! He was probably glad to go..I thanked him three times, and he was already out the door going to his van. LOL..I just realized...he's my neighbor! He lives 6 houses down from me! I forgot! Oh now I'm going to feel bad everday...what if he sees me outside and doesn't wave when I do...oh no...don't want my neighbors not liking me!
I walked over to school this afternoon to pick Jay and John Matt up, and that was a mistake! It was so hot! I was kinda moody by the time we came back. I didn't know it was that hot out!
As far as crocheting...I am almost done with the third square for Maryann. I have three rounds to go, will take like 10 minutes to finish. Then I think I better get that baby blanket done. OK...I'm off to get that done, mail it out tomorrow.
I walked over to school this afternoon to pick Jay and John Matt up, and that was a mistake! It was so hot! I was kinda moody by the time we came back. I didn't know it was that hot out!
As far as crocheting...I am almost done with the third square for Maryann. I have three rounds to go, will take like 10 minutes to finish. Then I think I better get that baby blanket done. OK...I'm off to get that done, mail it out tomorrow.
Feels like monday!!
Well, woke up at 5:15 this morning to a little baby crying from a stuffy head! I thought he would fall back to sleep after changing him, and rocking him...but he didn't. Even tried putting him in bed with me...I think that just made him want to play!
I worked on a granny square last night before bed for Maryann(one of the ladies from the board), am going to get two done today. Then mail them out to her so she can get her afghans started and done for her family.
For the girls asking where I got the pattern for the Elvis afghan-e-Bay! I have tried contacting the lady again to see who else she has, but to no avail. The site she had running was www.cuddleup-creations.com , but nothing comes up for it. I get some search engine page, and on e-bay, I get the message that there are no matches found. I don't know what happened. If someone is interested in the pattern let me know. It can be done in the afghan stitch(tunisan), or done the way I did it(cross stitched it on).
Ok..I'm going to get off here and feed the little one...maybe not...he's asleep! Well then..I guess it's the dishes!
I worked on a granny square last night before bed for Maryann(one of the ladies from the board), am going to get two done today. Then mail them out to her so she can get her afghans started and done for her family.
For the girls asking where I got the pattern for the Elvis afghan-e-Bay! I have tried contacting the lady again to see who else she has, but to no avail. The site she had running was www.cuddleup-creations.com , but nothing comes up for it. I get some search engine page, and on e-bay, I get the message that there are no matches found. I don't know what happened. If someone is interested in the pattern let me know. It can be done in the afghan stitch(tunisan), or done the way I did it(cross stitched it on).
Ok..I'm going to get off here and feed the little one...maybe not...he's asleep! Well then..I guess it's the dishes!
We had a very inactive day today, sat and watched television all afternoon. I missed the parade this morning, the kids actually left us sleep in! Did not cook out, don't have enough gas in the tank...lol. But I just used the old George Foreman, tasted pretty darn good! I finished the baby blanket I was working on, but went and messed it up trying to fix the first few rows. And boy did I make a mess of it. I did fix it the best I could, but I would never give it as a gift now, so Caden has another blanket. I will have to get some more yarn and start another one. It won't be done I don't think for the baby show on the 12th of June. I will have to see what I can do. I did start another one late this afternoon, for my sister-in laws sister. She is having a girl, so it will be done in white and pink. My first pink blanket...lol..everyone seems to have boys. I will have to post a pic later of the one I messed up...I could cry.
Sunday, May 29th
Whoops, I haven't been keeping up with my blog here! I will do better, well...I'll try to do better..lol.
I'm going to try and post a picture of the Elvis afghan I finished this past week. I will not be making another one, way to much work involved for me. It did turn out really nice, but I don't like spending so much time on one item. I like to make something and get on to the next thing.
I'm going to try and post a picture of the Elvis afghan I finished this past week. I will not be making another one, way to much work involved for me. It did turn out really nice, but I don't like spending so much time on one item. I like to make something and get on to the next thing.
I am taking a break, I have been crocheting since 8:30, it's almost 12 am. I really have to get this afghan done, my Aunt leaves to go back home at the end of the month, and it has to be done so she can take it home(and I won't have to mail it!). I didn't work on it today because it was so nice out, and Cade and I spent the day with my Mom. Oh...the afghan is a portrait of Elvis, a young Elvis. And so far....it isn't going as planned. I didn't think it would take so long to cross stitch the design on. Ughhhh!
Oh well, I know she will love it, and that makes it worth it.
I think there is a way to post pics on here, going to have to check that out.
Oh well, I know she will love it, and that makes it worth it.
I think there is a way to post pics on here, going to have to check that out.
First Timer
Well, I have no idea what I am doing, so this will be a "learn as I go" project! I was reading messages posted on a site, and everyone is talking about 'blog, blogging and blogs'...didn't want to be left out.....
Well, I have no idea what I am doing, so this will be a "learn as I go" project! I was reading messages posted on a site, and everyone is talking about 'blog, blogging and blogs'...didn't want to be left out.....
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