
Today was an uneventful one, my biggest thrill was waiting for the furnance guy to come and do a spring maintance on the central air! He didn't come till 2pm...and I felt bad..he got stung by a bee cleaning out the air conditioner. Then he cut his knuckles pulling his hand out while he was being stung. I think he stepped in dog do too, some one did! He was probably glad to go..I thanked him three times, and he was already out the door going to his van. LOL..I just realized...he's my neighbor! He lives 6 houses down from me! I forgot! Oh now I'm going to feel bad everday...what if he sees me outside and doesn't wave when I do...oh no...don't want my neighbors not liking me!
I walked over to school this afternoon to pick Jay and John Matt up, and that was a mistake! It was so hot! I was kinda moody by the time we came back. I didn't know it was that hot out!
As far as crocheting...I am almost done with the third square for Maryann. I have three rounds to go, will take like 10 minutes to finish. Then I think I better get that baby blanket done. OK...I'm off to get that done, mail it out tomorrow.

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